Light to dark gray with light buff color mixed. Available in either boulder or ledgerock material with very ornate character. Great for walls, waterfalls, speciman boulders and numerous other features.
Dark gray to black granite boulder is very unique due to its irregular shapes and sizes. This stone is very dense and ideal for any water feature or landscape project. Available in all sizes, from small 1 to 2 man, to 5000 lb. and up.
Covered with lots of moss and lichen. 100 lbs. to 5000 lbs. size available. Gray, tan and red colors; flat and chunky to very ornate. Large boulders make beautiful speciman boulders.
Slightly rough in texture due to being exposed to the elements. Soft red to pink color tone with the flowering lichens. Available in sizes from 1 to 2 man up to 5000 lbs. Larger sizes available upon request.
Smooth boulders with dark, vibrant colors of purple, pink, green and blue/gray. When wet, the colors are very intense. Sizes range 12-18″, 18-24″, 24-36″
This rare stone is made up of light to deep red colors, combined with golds, buffs, and light greens within the stone as well as on the beds of the stone.
Consistent buff colored limestone with natural seam-faced edges. These pieces are 24″-36″ D x 12″-14″ T x 3′-5′ L. Excellent for natural boulder type retaining walls. Very quick for installations. 2-4 pieces per pallet.
Autumn Haze
Autumn Red
Blue Mountain
Canyon Gray
Canyon Tan
Delaware River
Floral Pink
Laurel Mountain
Natural Fieldstone
P A River
Rustic Buff
Rustic River
Volcanic Red
White Marble
Call us:+1 419-973-0829
Where to find us: 1951 Tremainsville Rd, Toledo OH 43613-4036, United States